We have our tried and true favourites that we grow each year in addition to trying other cultivars. We include our own garlic in our pickles, pesto,  salts and baked products. Garlic Harvest begins in early June with our Softneck cultivars followed by the harvest of the hardneck types in early July.  Both types require curing time to allow the skins to harden before they are ready for market. 

Garlic is more than food, garlic is good health. Its a source of manganese, Vitamin B6, Vitamin C, Copper, Selenium, Phosphorus, Vitamin B1 and Calcium.  It is choked full of antioxidants that support your immune system, has antifungal properties as well as anti-bacterial properties. 

Softneck and Hardneck Types

Hardneck garlic is the most sought after type of garlic.  It isn’t available year round and commercial scale growing of this vegetable is problematic because of the need to harvest a ‘scape’ about one month before harvest. This type has a broader range of flavours and sensations and usually only the most ardent garlic eater eats this garlic raw.  When cooked, the flavours transform once again, making this type of garlic the favourite. The garlic scape has the texture of asparagus with the rich flavour the cultivar and in itself is a culinary treat worth seeking. 

Softneck garlic doesn’t have the hard center nor does it produce a scape and is grown on a massive global scale.  Our softneck garlic cultivars are not typically found in super markets and you will find them much juicier than those that come from the US or China.  We braid the bulbs into our quick signature braid which helps increase the storage life of this type of garlic. We also provide stripped softneck garlic so that you can braid your own; we are happy to show you how we do our braids.